This week was much different from last week but this week I got better and my comp got sick so I think we switched... but ya a bunch of people here are getting sick. I think its because school started here. I went to my recent converts homes and a bunch of them were sick actually when I walked in their house Fran one of my recent converts was sleeping with a bunch of puke on the ground next to him. I felt super bad for them and I ended up giving a blessing to almost everyone in that house. Just for you guys to understand I didnt have any more oil in my container afterwards... so that night we prayed for all of them to get better and they all did get better the next day! So that was a crazy good miracle and a big faith builder for our new converts.
Last week I told you guys that my comp was sick so we weren't able to move around a lot but he was able to go some in our area so at least we could teach and prepare for our baptisms for this week! We didn't have a lot of people go to church this week because of this but we were able to baptize 3 people. The family of a recent convert of ours. The mom and her two kids. We haven't met the dad because he lives in ceará. But it was super cool to help this family make covenants with the Lord.
This is our last week before transfers so we have a couple people that we are helping to baptize so if you guys could pray for them it would be great. Erica, Lucas and Maria Edilene! but this week we are going to focus a lot more on bringing people to church so that we can have another good month!
Right now I'm in in the mission office going on 2 days without sleep. I got a call last week from the secretaries telling me that I had to travel to Natal to renew my Visa. So last night I got on a bus and traveled 8 hours to get here and tonight I have to go back to my area... so this will be super fun, not.
But ya you asked me if I had any stories to tell about the Atonement. I remember one that one of my comps told me about. Its starts like this: There once was a kid in high school that was always the class clown and always disturbed the class in session. He made almost all the teachers who taught, to eventually give up trying to teach, because of him. But one day a new teacher wanted to help this student understand something bigger than himself and it was about Jesus Christ when he was on the earth. So this teacher called up this student in front of everyone (and you can do this too mom, just call someone up idk how you'll do it with girls but you can make something up) so this teacher brought a bunch of bananas (which you will do too) and told this student that for every student who wanted a banana he had to do 10 pushup's. Then for every student who didn't want a banana this kid still had to do 10 push-ups. So you continue to ask every body in the room if they want a banana and some will want one and some won't. Some may even ask if they can do their own push-ups to get a banana, but they are not allowed-only the one kid has to do all the push-ups. But after all of this you will explain that Jesus made this sacrifice for every single one of us even if we don't use it to lift our burdens, or want it or feel we deserve it. The Atonement was given as a gift to each of us.
I hope this helps in your lesson have a good week!
Elder Mauter
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