This week was kind of a boring week we really didnt do anything different. Just in the classroom all day everyday. So sorry if my email sucks this week - ill have better ones once i get out into the campo. But yesterday we went to the federal policia station to get our fingers scanned, so im in the system now!! I can't be doing anything crazy hahha! We had to wait in some ridiculous line for 3 hours! It absolutely sucked especially in the heat. I don't know why there were so many people. It wrapped around the block. But me and orton started talking to some cool missionaries that had been out for a year and they said the language comes alot faster in the field than it does in the CTM.
I've definitely learned alot about myself and have been praying alot to know my purpose coming here on a mission. They definitely got answered with some of the people i have been talking to. Learning their experiences and how much it has made a difference in their life. That is what it is all about. I was reading in D&C and i don't even know why cause I'm not that far but i found a scripture that also answered one of my questions - so look it up D&C 6:14-15.
You know that sketchy roommate i was talking about? Me and him became homies and he has a pretty cool story. He used to party, fight, smoke and anything you can think of. Then he met the sister missionaries and he was baptized a year and a half ago and is already on his mission. He hasn't done any of that stuff since he became a member. He might look like a Pitbull but he's a funny kid. He was able to get endowed yesterday in the temple and he was as happy as can be - it was pretty sweet.
Some Columbian kids came in this week and i have already made homies with one. Me and him always fool around with people hahah. I know i have been saying it sucks in the CTM even though it does - i have noticed how much I'm gonna miss the people i have made friends with here. I'm gonna have to start from scratch here in about a week. Im defiantly hearing your prayers! Looking back on how bad my Portuguese was until now. I remember the first semana(week) we would write down what we were gonna say and then read straight off the paper and now all we bring into the lessons are an English and Portuguese Book of Mormon. It's still way hard reading straight from the Portuguese BofM - like its hard enough reading from the English one!
I took some good pics today haha ill have you guys rolling. Mom thats awesome that you are doing that at the temple. We do that too when we go to the São Paulo Temple. We have about an hour of service before our session starts. I actually like going to the temple now. Remember the first time i was freaked out! I feel the spirit so much and it gives me a spiritual recharge for the week.
Gavin is a beast what can i say he has the Mauter blood so obviously he's gonna ball out in basketball. Keep it up buddy-And start eating some burgers to bulk up man! I'm gonna have to get Wolff over there and get you into shape! I think i might have to get a machete in my mission hah because of the Amazon. You know how you read that Natal is the safest city mom? Well my instructor told me that was way wrong! I guess the northern area has a lot more problems with gangs than the south in Rio and São Paulo. A native from the north told me its common for people to kill other people with machetes so I'm in for one! I love hearing from all you guys, what your doing. I wrote a bunch of letters. I'm gonna send out after emailing and then we are gonna go eat with our instructors. Im so hungry all I've eaten today was baloney this morning with some OJ.
How is Josh doing, is he still working at Porters? What is Chase up to. Hopefully Rajeane is keeping him in check haha tell them hi for me! love you guys
Elder Mauter
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