e ae família! (whats up in Portuguese)
This week has definitely been crazy. It was really hard to leave my old companion Elder Orton who is going to Recife. It's weird to think about cause i never thought someone could be as close as some of my friends back home but its probably because we have seen each others lows and highs.
I had a cool spiritual experience in the ctm before we left. We gave each other blessings and we had 6 people in our district with 2 sister's. We let people choose who they wanted and I got chosen 3 times. I was so grateful to everyone that wanted me to, cause it meant alot and i could feel the Spirit Strong. Experience's in the ctm have already made my testimony stronger and i hope i can continue to grow.
Yeah, my flight was at 7 in the morning so i had to wake up at 320a which wasn't fun. i went with 3 other missionaries that are American from my district in the airplane so it wasn't so bad. On the plane i was talking to these two Brazilian kids that were about my age and trying out my Portuguese with them and they seemed like cool kids. We talked about American sports and music and stuff for a while until the plane took off and then one started rubbing the others leg and they started holding hands and all this nasty stuff! Oh, man i didn't talk to those kids the rest of the time I about puked.
Once we got to Natal the President and his wife came to get us with the zone leaders. They seem really cool. He knows pretty well English so that is good and when i had my interview he said the next one would be in Portuguese. So i better start learning. Yesterday we sat in the church all day and listened to him talk and i thought i knew Portuguese but i don't cause i barley got any. They talk so fast here. Then at night all the new missionaries and the trainers slept in the same small house or room on the floor and on bunkbeds and hammocks, super ghetto. Natal is way better than Sao Paulo. I'm in Bela Hora zoch idk but i took a 5 hour bus ride all the way here today, it wasn't that bad.
My companion is from Sao Paulo and doesn't speak a lick of English hahah and the other two missionaries I'm stayin with don't either so its ether i learn this language or I don't hahah. So you can probably see how my 3 months will go haha. I'm just going to grind hard - i think this is just like anything else i have done. It's like basketball the more you practice the better I'm going to get with the language and the gospel. But as of right now i have no clue what they are saying. People everywhere in the street always yell Americano to me idk why and my comp always calls Americans on his phone. So i can talk to them-hahah idk why, but he seems like a cool dude.
I'll send you guys pictures next time. I forgot my câmera at the home. My P-day is monday now i think so email me before then. Mom you can cancel missionTies.com i get and hour now to email.
I guess i need to get some baptisms cause that means everything to Brazilians here. You don't get respect until you do then you get called Baptizador and if you don't you're called golado for goally in soccer cause you block baptisms or something kkkk. Send me my backpack and if you find books that will help me with the language or gospel, candy, beef jerky. They don't have beef jerky here so its like gold. I'll tell you how things are doing next week. We start teaching the real deal tomorrow so pray for me. I love you guys and dad (kkkk) means hahaha in Portuguese. Sorry i have alot of errors - this computer only knows Portuguese so every word is in red. Tell grandma thanks so much for mailing me, that made my week! Elder Mauter
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