Elder Spencer Mauter

Elder Spencer Mauter

Monday, August 22, 2016

Last week we baptized Aliedson! It was pretty sweet helping him to take the steps and prepare himself to be baptized. Aliedson is 20yrs old and has been coming to church with his neighbor Jessica who is a young woman in our ward who is 16 and doing missionary work! From our first day teaching him I was able to tell he was an elect son of god but then again he made it clear that he only went to church to visit. When we started to teach him he accepted everything we taught him. He also committed to read, pray and stop drinking coffee. It was pretty amazing for some one who wakes up drinking coffee and only stops when he goes to bed at night.  I know it had to be pretty hard. He had accepted to be baptized earlier and everything was going well until one day when he gave us the news that he didn't want to be baptized anymore. But being a missionary you know there is always a motive for someone to quit or bail out. So we started asking questions of what happened and he didn't want to tell us until some drunk guy I've never seen before came up to us telling us that "novinho" (our investigators nickname) asked his mom what she thought about him being baptized in the church of jesus christ and she told him she didn't think that it was the right time. 
After Novinho's mom told him this, this drunk man saw him crying. We were able to talk with him and help him to recognize that the Holy Ghost was testifying to him of what he should do.  We told him that his mom wasn't with him when we were teaching and hadn't felt the things he felt. One of the things he told me when we first saw him after he said he couldn't be baptized is that he feels super happy when we are with him and when he is at church. He told us that he notices this happiness leaves him when we aren't with him. 
i was able to look at him and tell him that i was happy that he told us he didn't want to be baptized so that he could tell us this. Because we were able to teach him the difference between how the power of the holy ghost works in our lives. We explained to him that when we are baptized and receive gift of the Holy Ghost that this happiness will be able to stay with him as a constant companion. He was crying after we told him all of this with our testimonies and he was then baptized Sunday!
I learned a new slang word too this week aviãozinho (little plane) when we were teaching ledemberg (the bishops cousin) who's 18. He told us that he was an aviãozinho which i didn't under stand haha which is a slang for drug dealer. but good thing my comp knew and asked if he dealt drugs but he said no just wrapped c4 around his body and sold it to people who blow up banks.  We had to unmark his baptism that was coming and we need to help him out a lil more this week!
But ya I've heard a ton about Michael Phelps and all the USA Athletes doing awesome!  I realized how patriotic I am because of the olympics!!! I'll send some pics love you guysElder Mauter
So last week was pretty crazy because of transfers. I was transferred to a neighborhood called Rosas dos Ventos in Parnamirim and called to be the new zone leader here with elder Bento. If you remember Parnamirim was my 3rd area in the mission but last time I was here I was serving downtown and actually last time I was here I did a division for a week in the area that I’m at now.  So i know some of the people here which is cool. So last week before I got here we got the call that I would be transferred after lunch so we went around saying tchau to everyone here which was difficult and showing my son(the companion I trained) what he's going to be doing when his new comp gets there. 
When I got into my new area we went around getting to know everyone and the next day we had a zone meeting with our new zone so that everyone can get to know each other and so that we can pass our vision to them of what we want to accomplish this transfer. I can already see that this transfer will be alot busier now because i will be following up with 22 missionaries every day other than 6 which I was doing before haha. So wish me luck! 
Last week my new comp already had a baptism marked for that week, Leonidas whose 16 but he injured his foot the day before his baptism so we had to remark it for this week. We still wanted to teach and baptize someone so we were at a ward activity and found a bunch of young men that we thought were members but they actually have been visiting the church a ton without anyone talking to them thinking they were also members. We started teaching a bunch of them and ended up baptizing João Paulo whose 14. It was good that we found him because his family was having a bunch of difficulties between themselves. We found out that his grandpa was letting his dad use his house while he got back on his feet and until he found a job. It turned out that his dad wasn't even looking to find a job and also spending a lot of money on useless stuff.  So his grandpa was going to kick his family out of his house. We were able to talk to João paulos grandpa who was pretty mad when he found out and was telling us that he was going to kill him. It was good we were there to calm him down! But thats all for this week I need to send some paper work to the secretary right now so i got to go! 
Elder Mauter

rosas dos ventos
my new and last area!! 

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